Who We Are


The Live to Walk Again Foundation was founded in 2015, and is the culmination of years of planning. The goals of the Foundation are two-fold:
  • To fast track a cure for paralysis by creating a platform where regenerative scientists and physicians can meet and work together, combining knowledge and technologies to design a groundbreaking, pioneering procedure.
  • To find new ways to improve quality of life for patients who currently have paralysis, enabling them to live optimally while a cure is being developed.

We believe the best path towards a cure is with a “Patient Zero” approach. This concept will allow all of those on the leading edge of technology and science to work together with the goal of developing a procedure, which can then be implemented immediately.



The Surviving Paralysis Podcast is focused on shining a light on SCI research and telling the stories of inspiring people living with spinal cord injuries. The goal is to spark listeners’ curiosity, and empower them to seek out meaningful action steps that they can take right now, in their own home, to improve their quality of life. We also hope to educate the audience on the latest in new sciences, talking with doctors, scientists, innovative thinkers and people living with SCI to connect the dots and provide momentum to achieve a documented, scientifically endorsed procedure.

Core Values

The Live To Walk Again Foundation is committed to the following core values as we work ceaselessly towards a cure for paralysis: